What I Do

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Whether it’s a church conference, community service event, health fair, or seminar—I want to help educate our community on wellness. My focus is whole-body wellness: mental, physical, and spiritual. The information I present is based on current guidelines and evidence-based medicine. Though I do not give individual medical advice, I will provide recommendations that are in keeping with scientific and medical standards. Currently available for virtual presentations only.


As a physician woman of color, I have witnessed and experienced microaggressions, overt racism, sexism, and prejudice throughout my journey. I have lived with panic attacks, test-taking anxiety, and depression. But I came out on top! Let me help you navigate these obstacles so that you don’t have to experience the same stumbles that I did. Let’s talk about polishing your personal statement, troubleshooting your test scores, refine your interviewing and networking skills, and getting you ready for that next level. Sessions are conducted virtually.

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From discussing the COVID-19 pandemic to fresh water algae blooms and their impact on your health, I have been featured on local news, provided content for articles, and interviewed on social media. As a board-certified Family Physician, I am knowledgeable in a wide spectrum of health and wellness topics. Contact me for media releases and expert opinion on primary care topics.